A Cyclops Chorus
A Cyclops Chorus is a creation by Professor Louis-Philippe Demers within the “I Like Robots and Robots Like Me” series, delves into the intricate relationship between humans and machines. It defies traditional views of robotic behavior and challenges anthropocentric attitudes by fostering unique interactions between beast-like machines and people. This endeavor seeks to redefine the dynamics of human-robot engagement, drawing on the notion of ‘radical otherness’ and the ‘humanness’ often ascribed to animals.
It examines the dual perception of animal-mimicking machines as vessels for human connection and as representations of human authority. Inspired by Baker (2001), the project considers animals as mediums through which any human sentiment, thought, or deed can be expressed, exploring the delicate balance between empathy and control in human-robot relations.
Experiences | Interactives
3D printed Fiberglass and nylon, stainless steel hardware, electronics
Professor Louis-Philippe Demers
Design concept
A Cyclops Chorus is crafted to immerse audiences in a uniquely animalistic encounter, challenging their perceptions and interactions within a shared space. Upon engaging with the installation, participants are introduced to an array of one-eyed machines, each engineered to observe and follow the audience’s movements with an intriguing, peculiar motion reminiscent of a curious bird. These machines, with their singular, vigilant eyes and unorthodox movements, not only captivate but also provoke thought about surveillance, curiosity, and the nature of observation itself.
The experience is designed to be both uncanny and engaging, inviting viewers to reflect on the dynamics of watcher and watched, all while navigating the space alongside these mechanically awkward, yet fascinatingly lifelike, entities. This interaction blurs the lines between the natural and the artificial, encouraging a deeper contemplation of our relationship with technology and its increasingly pervasive role in our lives.